Scope Of Chapter 42
Fall in The East from Decline And Fall

State of the Barbaric World – Establishment of the Lombards on the Danube – Tribes and Inroads of the Sclavonians—Origin, Empire & Embassies of the Turks – The Flight of the Avars
Chosroes I or Nushirvan King of Persia
His Prosperous Reign and Wars with the Romans
The Colchian or Lazic War – The Aethiopians

527-65Weakness of the Empire of Justinian
State of the Barbarians– The GepidaeLombardsSclavonians; Their Inroads
545Origin and Monarchy of the Turks in Asia; The Avars fly before the Turks & approach the Empire
558Their Embassy to Constantinople
569-82Embassies of the Turks and Romans
500-30State of Persia
Reign of Nushirvan, or Chosroes
His Love of Learning
533-39 Peace and War with the Romans
540 He invades Syria And ruins Antioch
541Defence of the East by Belisarius
Description of Colchos, Lazica, or Mingrelia
Revolutions of Colchos; Under the Persians (BC 500); Under the Romans (BC 60)
130Visit of Arrian
522Conversion of the Lazi
542-49Revolt and Repentance of the Colchians
549-51Siege of Petra
549-56The Colchian or Lazic War
Negotiations & Treaties
between Justinian & Chosroes
522Conquests of the Abyssinians
533Their Alliance with Justinian