Note 9
From Franz von Papen, by Joachim C. Fest— See further Notes

Sontheimer, Antidemokratisches Denken in der Weimarer Republik. This feudal political point of view, which arrogantly denies rights of participation and co-determination to the public, is one of the dominating themes of a publication brought out by Papen under the title Appell an das deutsche Gewissen. Reden zur nationalen Revolution. In it he says, for example:

'Once it is claimed that everything wearing a human face already has the right to equality on this earth [!]; it need not be surprising if the collective idea [he means Bolshevism] grows to cover and stifle all of political existence';


'It is nonsense and a misunderstanding of democracy if the exponents of the masses continuously try to have a say in running things. To be a statesman means first of all to be responsible to God, to history, and to one's conscience. Only then does one have to account publicly for one's actions.'